The Boy In The Dress is the story of Dennis, a 12 year-old boy who lives in an ordinary house, in an ordinary street, in an ordinary town, but he feels different. His mum has gone off with a roofer and he lives with his dad (Steve Speirs) and brother. Everything is boring and grey. Dennis wants to escape to some sort of magical world, and discovers it in the most unexpected pla...(本劇情介紹由南瓜影視喜歡看美國(guó)視頻的小編天天編輯,更多相關(guān)信息可移步至豆瓣電影或劇情網(wǎng)等平臺(tái)了解)
合作伙伴:草民影院 星辰影院 星辰影院 光棍影院 秋霞電影網(wǎng) 星辰影院 木瓜影院 星空影院 星辰影院